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Forum Posts

Dec 03, 2021
During a Ride Action, on a failed Ride roll you suffer -1d3+1 HP. Does that mean you lose between a) 0 to 2 HP i.e. (-1d3)+1 or b) 2 to 4 HP i.e. -(1d3+1)
Nov 26, 2021
I rolled a, "39" on Table M - Mapping (a green straight with a door on the opposite side of the tile) and then rolled a "30" on Table G - Geographic (a Rope Bridge with an opening on the other side to the right). What should I draw? Is the location a straight through corridor or a right hand corner? Should I include a door or not? Which tile has preference, I can't find any guidance in the rulebook. If it makes any difference, I'm using the Mapping Game and the Geographic feature is represented slightly differently than the core rulebook. I notice the same sort of question applies to other Geographic features such as Rivers, Chasms, Portcullis, Boulders. How are you meant to interpret Mapping tiles such as dead ends, left or right turns, etc., when the tile doesn't match the configuration of the Geographic tile? Thanks
Nov 21, 2021
Some pieces of Armour can be granted a fractional DEF bonus. Examples can be seen on the example Adventure Sheet on page 16 of the rulebook. As far as I can see, there are only three ways to obtain this (in Book 1 at least), i.e. Finer 0.2 DEF, Greater 0.4 DEF, and Superior Amour 0.6 DEF on the TA, TB, and TC Treasure tables. How are partial DEF values treated? Do you (a) Round; so 0.2 and 0.4 round to 0, while 0.6 and 0.8 round to 1. (b) Truncate; so 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, and 0.8 all truncate to 0. (c) Apply fractional damage, which might result in having 19.6 HP for example. As written it seems you apply fractional damage, which is fine, but I would like to confirm if this is the case. Many Thanks.
Nov 20, 2021
On page 28 of Book 1 (V3.1), it states: Time Track Modifier Sometimes a result may instruct the player to add a modifier to the time track. The player writes the modifier in the time box, replacing any previously recorded. I can only find reference to doing this (i.e. add a modifier to the time track) in Table B - Boosts and Table C - Curses. Examples are "add (+5 STR) to the time track" or "add (-1 DMG) to the time track". What exactly am I adding? Why? Where is the purpose of doing this explained? I assume I simply add some text (such as +5 STR or -1 DMG) to the Adventure Sheet. There's a small box in the Time Track area on the Adventure Sheet labeled "MOD:". OK, so I add the text to that box, but now what? How does having "+5 STR" in this box alter the game. I've search the rules but I can't find anything that explains what this does. Does it mean that from now on, every time I add time to the track, I add +5 to my STR? Does this occur just once, or does it occur every instance I add time to the track? How long does this modifier apply for? Is it for 12 hours, 1 hour, the entire adventure? The rules on pages 27 and 28 doesn't seem to explain how to handle the situation. Any help welcome :)


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