For the investments roll on "Wars", a result of 1-6 is "-2 Shares". Setting aside the large negative investment return, I don't understand how this could ever be fully implemented. For example, if I have 10 shares of "Wars" and get a result of -2 shares, that is -2 shares per share owned, which would mean a loss of 20 shares, taking me to -10 shares owned.
I don't see how it would be possible to own negative shares and the player is limited to buying back 1 share per rep point. Assuming one would could own negative shares, would a further result of -2 shares mean they recovered 20 shares, since (-2) x (-10) = 20?
I know I’m replying many months later but just seeing this. The way I’ve looked at it is investing in wars is very highly risky, so much so you can lose MORE than your original investment. So you post the negative and have to pay off that debt. If you have enough cash you can clear the debt immediately, otherwise you carry a negative balance of shares until you pay it off. Meanwhile, as Martin said, since you have only debt and no (positive) shares, your investment roll between quests does not apply to that investment. So… Invest carefully and wisely!
Negative shares need to be addressed. If you have Book 4 table JA addresses this. If you don't have book 4, you can record the negative shares and as you no longer own shares in that investment, the investment roll is no longer applied to that investment.