I like using the Overkill mechanic during my dungeon crawls, so while playing World Builder and encountering Prey Monsters when failing hunting, I thought it would be fun to add the overkill mechanic to that as well.
Ordinarily if you fail the Hunt but succeed in killing the Prey Monster, you get half rations, rounded down, plus the bonus for the month. So my thought was to increase your rations gained sequentially, up to a maximum of what you would have earned if the Hunt was a success.
The max Rations you can get from Hunting is in the Forest or Grasslands in August or September for 11 rations (9 for the area plus 2 for the month), while the min Rations would be Hunting in the Desert in January for 3 Rations (5-2). But failing the Hunt, you half (rounded down) before the month bonus, so in that case failing a Hunt in the Desert in January would mean no rations, even if you kill the Prey Monster (1/2 of 5 rounded down = 2, - 2 for Jan = 0). And that’s actually quite reasonable. But if you Overkill, maybe you get a little something.
My basic idea was that if you Overkill the Prey Monster by…
Less than 10 HP, you get 1/2 rations, as usual
10-11 HP, you get (roughly) 2/3 the rations
12-13 HP, you get 3/4 the rations
14+, you get the full rations you would have if the Hunt was a success.
Below is a table I made.
Note I rounded up or down to keep the table simple and sequential.
Note also the range is 5 to 9 rations, based on what full rations are BEFORE applying the month bonus. So don’t forget to modify the result by the month bonus after consulting the table.
For instance, Hunting in January will still apply minus 2, so if you are in the Desert (baseline 5R) that means as little as 0 rations, up to 3 on an overkill of 14+.