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QUEST QE 41-50 (a free quest for you) - THE HEART OF DOOMTAR

Below is the second free quest for table QE that will eventually be added to an official supplement. However, for now you can play it (for free) and check it off if completed successfully in the "Extra Quests" section of the quest tracker on your adventure sheet.

Good luck in the Dungeon.

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James Livermont
James Livermont
Nov 19, 2021

Thanks Martin! Isn't this the 3rd such "extra quest" you've provided? With "Mighty Monsters" and "Skull of Prevailing" coming before this one (Heart of Doomtar).

James Livermont
James Livermont
Nov 19, 2021
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Ah! My bad, i see that now.


Nov 19, 2021

The Quest says "When in combat with Doomtar all escape reaction results he scores are ignored (do not re-roll them), and he begins combat with +10HP."

I'm confused about ", and he begins combat with +10HP." Does this mean each time he ignores an escape reaction he gets +10HP, or, does it mean he starts combat with +10HP?

The way the sentence is written (with a comma in the middle) suggests it's the first answer but this implies he has some sort of Regenerate power.

I'm assuming what is actually meant is Doomtar is a standard E84 Encounter but with 40HP instead of 30HP. But that not what is implied.

Perhaps "Doomtar starts combat with +10HP and all escape reaction…

Nov 19, 2021
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The full stop helps but if you don't mind me being even more pernickety :) Reading the sentence in isolation "He begins combat with +10HP" there might be some confusion as to "He" is. Before (when it had a comma), the sentence started with "When in combat with Doomtar" so that defines who "he" is. In addition, since you need to know what to set Doomtar's HP before you need to worry about ignoring escape reactions, it might make more sense to place the "+10HP" info before the "ignore reactions" info.

All the same, thanks for making the change.

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