If you happen to own The Lost Tome Of Extraordinary Rules book, and would like a more comprehensive breakdown and variant of property for your World Builder games, the following rules have been created just for you. They will eventually find their way into an expansion module for D100 Dungeon, but here they are now, for your enjoyment.
In a future publication from the DAILY DUNGEON news blog, I will be adding rules to allow you to continue exploring a world with a new adventurer after one has died; so stay tuned.
Only 8 hexes left to generate, what a really nice looking map. Have you a name of the world yet?
I love it! Tygron (my adventurer) has explored quite a bit and just recently found his 25th quest, to date has completed 15 of them. Yet to find a mount, trying to save up some gold pieces. With these new rules I plan to have him head back to home to the town of Brightquartz in the Stolen Mountains to search for a place to store some things. Thank you Martin!