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BOOK 7: THE RUNE FORGE is available now!

Book 7: The Rune Forge contains a choose your own adventure set in Northreach, Terra, just north of the White Tower. The book has 155 paragraphs and follows the same format (or similar) as Book 3: The Dragon Armour. The story starts with the adventurer having stumbled upon a magical door set in the side of the Ironton mountains, which they believe is the entrance to the Rune Forge; an ancient forge commissioned by the Arcane Council and built by the dwarves with the purpose to make powerful artefacts. The forge is completed in just nine years, but is quickly overrun by demons. The forge's location is then lost in the passage of time after The Great Icing and The Melting. The adventurer must enter the forge and imbue a piece of equipment, and take it to the Arcane Council at the White Tower as proof they have found the Rune Forge. They hope with this information the Council of Seven will reward them handsomely. Also contained in the book is a random dungeons variant, that will award reward points, that in turn can be spent on items chosen from the various tables throughout the D100 Dungeon books.

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May 15, 2023

Finished the Rune Forge Adventure this weekend.

I won’t give any spoilers!

Just want to say it was a ton of fun and really challenged me and my adventurer.

I made a new adventurer for this, using quick adventurer rules x 2 (instinctively guessed that, Martin), but even then found it too challenging so ran through the quick rules a 3rd time. I didn’t consider it cheating as much as a “godly blessing” :-)

So without spoilers, I would suggest you try to have decent (>30) stats in each characteristic. Otherwise prepare for a serious challenge.

And another tip, do not be afraid to fail! Do not cheat! Some of the most fun I had was turning to the “fail”…


May 03, 2023

Cant wait for rune forge Thankyou.I was wondering if you could make a giant event book to be used instead with the one in world builder,I see this huge book of great events and ideas, how could it go wrong with your genius D100 events book.I fell in love with the events the bad break up I rolled from ex lover and had a revenge where I struggled but she had me sold me into slavery.I can see this beautiful book of event ,thanks for all the fun and good times,Ed

Martin Knight
Martin Knight
May 04, 2023
Replying to

An events books is such a great idea. I can see it working very well, and could be a first: An expansion for an expansion!


Martin Knight
Martin Knight
May 03, 2023

Thanks whybbil1I hope the adventurer is kind to you.


May 02, 2023

Bought the PDF and Hardback. I know it will be awhile for the Hardback to arrive but I have the other print books in hardback and want my collection complete. Am already starting with the PDF, read the intro, excellent as always, excited to start this new adventure!

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