I have a few questions in regard of difficulty scaling.
Me and my girlfriend finished the first campaign and all sidequests.
Our characters have pretty much all stats maxed out and have a lot of legendary items equiped.
We started to do random missions but we have a little problem: Combat just doesn't feel challanging anymore :( we pretty much one shot kill every monster ecxept maybe Balgore but even that one doesn't pose any real threat.
Also the fact that Life Points and HP has no cap doesn't help this. We pretty much feel like playing immortal characters by now and the fun that comes from the "high risk high reward" OSR feeling we had at the beginning has faded quite a bit by now.
We feel a bit sad about it and started to play less frequently. :(
My questions is: Is there a way to scale monsters for high level characters? Is there something like this planned? Maybe an Elite variant of the monster list with higher stats and rewards and an alternative challange table for dungeon challanges?
I feel like the infinite HP and Life Point Scaling should be compensated by a equivalent monster scaling rule to continue to make things intresting and dangerous.
Maybe this could be a good reason to make use of potions and maybe some of the utility spells.
Also another question (maybe more of a suggestion): After a lot of missions and combats we just didn't find any real use for ranged weapons after the first levels. Damage of 2 handed ranged weapons just doesn't scale as well as dual wielding melee. So we always default to using dual wielding melee weapons. Is there something in the works to mitigate this?
Thank you in advance for your answer and for your work on this amazing game.
Sorry about the wall of text :)
Best regards
Martin, great suggestion. This would also be consistent with most other graduated leveling systems. I will try it with my current character playing World Builder and report back.
I have a few house rules in mind related to door and quest objectives management, leveling your character, dungeon difficulty, monsters escaping, and finding equipments (maybe more to come). They are still early WIP but the goal is to allow the player to play longer with the same character, with slower and longer progression possibilities along with upgrading the difficulty.
The first thing i applied directly is, when you can level up a characteristic or a skill, instead of using +5, just apply +1. Or you can double or triple the amount of pips needed to upgrade a skill or characteristic.
By doing this, you will progress slower, and (provided you own some or all the expansions) you will need to make extensive use of the mechanics that the game offers beside leveling (Witchery, Crafting,...).
More to come, when i will have extensively play tested my ideas, but here is a start:
This game is so HUGE, that i want to house rule it to enjoy the game as long as i can with my beloved "Unnamed" Dwar Warrior character :-)
I have maxed out a couple adventurers and made a total of now 7 adventurers, see my Nov 6th post under “What Type of Adventurer are you?”
I guess if you don’t want to retire them, take your adventurers to World Builder. Maybe make up a story, like to get there they traveled through a mystic portal that reset them to 3 lives, and sucked the “legendary” from their armor or something.
So far I am really enjoying World Builder. Maybe a bit off topic for this particular thread, but it does offer new challenges for you, like foraging, hunting, fishing, which I have already done with my newest adventurer, Tygron. He actually is struggling with his first quest, since he is new and low level with little armor. But in World Builder, instead of failing such a quest, Tygron can simply exit it. He plans to do some more hunting, scout adjacent hexes, with any luck have a couple “events”, and make his way to Quest 3, “Rat Problem” in the Old Marshlands, which looks easier. After that, with hopefully improved skills and armor, will return to the Grasslands of Strength to finish finding the ingredients for Quest 1, “Witches’ Broth.”
HI, nothing is planned, but it might be something to consider. For now, you could double all of the monster's stats and see how that works, and double the reward. However, it would seem your adventurer's may have reached the end of the road and might be time to try some different ones. The world builder expansion coming out soon might be a good opportunity to roll up some new adventurers. You could also try a slower form of xp. In v2 you gain +1 pip to stats and skills on the combat track, this might be a preferred option.