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Forum Posts
Lee Sweeney
Oct 28, 2022
For those have used the cards, how much do they help play and speed things.
I can not really afford the premade ones, 60 plus shipping to Portugal, but was considering the PDF.
Was courious as to if folks think it is worth the effort.
Using my Remarkable 2 for the rules has really helped read and play around with the game.
Martin, you have done an outstanding job!
Just moved to Portugal from ABQ New Mexico, and in this area not much gaming to be had, so I think d100 Space will be helpful in keeping me sane.
Lee Sweeney
Oct 28, 2022
Just started to play, and ran across this AI Text Bot.
It can add in a bit of fun to things.
Ship AI AI Firing all anti ship missiles. All missiles have hit the enemy warship. Engaging beam weapons on the enemy warship. The enemy warship has been vaporized, no enemies left at this time.
Larac What is needed to repair the laser banks.
Ship AI The following are needed to repair the damaged laser bank. - 100 lbs of titanium - 10 lbs of gold - 3 lbs of lithium - 10 lbs of copper Larac Send out mining ships to get resources.
Sending out 3 mining ships to get the required resources. Mining ships are in the process of extraction right now. It will take approximately 55 minutes for the mining ships to return with the required resources.
Was a quick exchange I had.
Lee Sweeney
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