Do you have a table of all the skills? When to use them? Some are obvious to me when to use and others aren't so obvious to me. Some sort of reference table would help me out a lot. Lucky, Bravery, and Aware is not clear to me at all when to use. Strong skill is just always applied to every strength test? Just like magic is applied to every spell or scroll cast test? Agility is for dexterity tests. When does dodge get used? Is it for everytime a monster attacks and you subtract from their attack roll?
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I am a little late in replying, but here is a list I made for you of Skills and in what situations their bonus is applied.
Agility: used for various traps and geographic conditions
Aware: used when testing Petrify, Surprise, and various traps
Bravery: used when testing Fear
Dodge: used when testing Fire, Freeze, Stun, Web
Escape: used when Adventurer attempts to Escape from combat and also to Block Escape of Monsters
Locks: used for tests of Locked Doors and Treasure Chests
Lucky: used when testing Petrify, casting spells, scrolls, and various traps
Magic: used when casting spells and scrolls
Strong: used when trying to open Jammed Doors, lift or move traps and obstacles, swim, climb, etc.
Traps: used for various traps, including Trapped Doors and Treasure Chests
Additionally, World Builder adds these skills, which are fairly self explanatory:
Fishing, Haggle, Hunting, Riding, Survival
I made the following as a quick reference which I update as my adventurer’s characteristics (Str, Dex, Int) as well as Skills improve.
Surprise: Int-10 + (Aware) = _____ [F: Mon Atk]
Fear: Int-10 + (Bravery) = _____ [F: skip PC Attack, Combat Action (but may attempt to Escape)]
Escape: Dex-10 + (Esc) = _____ [F:-2HP, Mon Atk]
Block Esc: Str-10 + (Esc) = _____ [F: Mon Esc]
Attack (Str/Dex) = _____
Fly: Str-10 = _____
Phase: Str/Dex-10 = _____
Fire: Dex-5 + (Dodge) = _____ [F: -2HP]
Freeze: Dex + (Dodge) = _____ [F: -1 HP, -2 DEF next round]
Petrify: Int+20 + (Aware) + (Lucky) = _____ [F: death]
Stun: Str-15 + (Dodge) = _____ [F: skip PC Attack, Combat Action, and Escape]
Web: Dex+20 + (Dodge) = _____ [F: skip PC Attack, Combat Action, and Escape]
If you look at page nine of the d100 core book,it shows you when you do a test say pendulum trap at the end in parentheses (traps,aware,lucky)those are the skills you check for the test.Each test tells you at the end of each what skills to use.pages 8 and 9 of core book explains it all.hope this helps