1. When playing from the book (as opposed to the mapping game) is it expected that the same numbered map tile can show up multiple times in the same dungeon?
2. To clarify backpack capacity, Could I potentially carry 150 lesser healing potions in a backpack or is there supposed to be a limit of 10 of any item?
3. Q13 says to collect 4 potions. Does that include brews and elixers, for examples?
4. On the Monsters Reaction table, does a role of 1 or 2 create a bonus for 1 round or until the creature is dead? Can such bonuses stack if rolled again?
5. I understand the value of having potions in a belt slot to drink during a combat, but does anything prevent use of multiple potions from the backpack when out of combat?
6. Is there any expected limitation on when a lesser fate (or other fate potion) is intended to be used when outside of combat but rolling on a loot table, for example? A specific example...1) Mort carries 4 lesser fate potions in his backpack to avoid belt-check risk, 2) He rolls a 97 on a find roll to get a TC-15, 3) He takes out a fate potion from his backpack at that point to roll on the treasure table at +5 instead. Is this all as intended?
7. Are there any noncombat tests which are supposed to specifically preclude the possibility of a potion being used (from the backpack) when the test becomes known?
8. I had watched videos where it seems 10 experience pips result in an upgrade of just 1 to a skill, but the V3 rules seem to indicate 10 experience pips = 5 in STR/DEX/INT. Is this as intended?
9. It seems like the easiest way to die permanently in the game is to be trapped in a dungeon with a rep reduction quest when you have only 1 rep point (and thus can't quit the quest). Is this as intended? Do you have any house rules or perhaps some for a future version that would act as a work-around?
10. If a dungeon is sealed off, an adventurer is allowed to create a secret door. However, does this apply if a dungeon is sealed off by magic doors and the player is not a caster or has no spells?
Thanks in advance for any help. I have been having a lot of fun playing the game.
Hi Ken, good to have you onboard with D100 Dungeon, here are the answers:
1. Yes, they can appear more than once.
2. You are free to add the same items to multiple slots, so yes you could have 150
3. They must be POTIONS.
4. The bonus is just for the current round.
5. No, you can drink as many as you have.
6. Fate potions can be used just before each individual table is rolled upon.
7. No, for instance If the adventurer is about to make a STR test, then nothing is stopping them drinking a potion that gives a bonus to STR.
8. Yes, the increase of +5 is correct.
9. Yes and no. The choice of quests is tough at the start, but if they have a rep loss when a quest is failed they should be avoided when possible if you have a rep of 1. One house rule, is to play the quests in order.
10. The secret passage rule does not apply if there is a door that hasn't been opened. Open Magic scrolls can be bought from the needed table during the BYNQ phase and so are available. The magic door that can't be opened would not invoke the secret passage rule. However, you could house rule this.
Hope these answers help and good luck in the dungeons.