Anyone else thinking about adding property to the world builder expansion?
I have not added any mounts yet, so they are probably a reasonable substitute, and maybe even a better one considering you are a traveling adventurer.
Anyway, my thought was to add Buy a Property as a separate “Action” costing 1 AP. You can only buy properties in a Village, Town, or City. I considered adding it to the Settlement Action, but that already includes a lot of activities for one day. However, I was inspired by the mechanics of the Settlement Action, in that all property types would be available in a city, but not so much in a town or village, and not at all in a camp.
So if you are in a hex with a Village, Town, or City, you can spend 1 AP shopping for a property. Note probability of finding said property type, and the cost difference as well.

In the Lost Tome rules, at the start of Before your next Quest you check to see if your property has been robbed, then you pay for up keep, and buy extra security points if desired.
For World Builder, I’m thinking put a little “house-shape” in the hex your property is in, then, if you are in the hex of your property, you can and would use your property daily, so no need to spend APs to deposit or withdraw items to and from it, and no need to test for theft. However, when you are in other hexes, I guess testing for theft monthly is reasonable. Maybe circle the day you purchase the property and then circle that day each month going forward as a reminder to test for theft on that day. You could even “circle” those days with a “house-shape.” On those days also pay for upkeep, and add security if desired.
Would love to hear everyone’s thoughts!
Great! I look forward to seeing it!
Some very nice ideas. I have been working on property rules for the WB too and plan on releasing them soon on the Daily Dungeon News Blog. I have some similar infrastructure with the rules.