Given the 15 skills available in D100 Dungeon World Builder, the d6+d10 roll when indicated by the Combat Track, Skillful Boost, quest results or any other instance when a random skill is affected, does not provide very balanced results (with the Strong skill being almost six times more likely to be rolled than Agility or Survival, if I am not mistaken).
Because this could make some skills much more difficult to modify than others (given their rarity), I use this alternative roll:
Divide the 15 skills into three groups: (1) Agility -> Escape, (2) Locks -> Traps, and (3) Fishing -> Survival.
Roll a d3 to determine the group.
Roll either a d10 / 2 to determine the skill of the five in the previously rolled group, or a d6 (results 1-5), reroll any results of 6.
This way, all skills have an equal chance to be rolled.
Martin, I would appreciate your author's take on this: if the official roll has an intended gameplay impact by favouring certain skills (the same way the imbalanced results for the early quest negative encounter modifier, favouring Giant Rats and Bats, are actually a much needed help for new characters/players), d6+d10 for skills would make sense, but if it's simply for convenience, then maybe a more balanced roll would be preferable.
If this has been discussed in another topic, please let me know.
Thank you.
Thank you for pointing this out.
Your solution is nice and simple.
I did a search and found someone else asked about this a few years ago on reddit
Many complicated suggestions were given.
One thing in I read in the reddit that may help:
A quick way to convert d6 to d3 and d10 to d5 is to look at the die result on the top AND the bottom and pick the lower number.
On d6 sides sum to 7 (1+6, 2+5, 3+4, giving d3 range of 1 to 3)
On d10 they sum to 9 (treat 0 as zero, not 10: 0+9, 1+8, 2+7, 3+6, 4+5, giving range 0 to 4)
If you don’t mind doing a little math
To get a uniform probability for a range of 1 to 15
Roll a d6 and a d10
Treat as d3 & d5
And just take 5x the d3 minus the d5
The d3 gives 5, 10, or 15
The d10 minus 0 thru 4
Yields: 1 to 5, 6 to 10, or 11 to 15
See screenshots from anydice comparing d6+d10 vs 5*d3-d5 (+1 at end, since true d5 range will -1 to -5)
A very useful alternative, well done.