If I'm doing WB quest 1 that has me collect a number of armor pieces for someone. Can I decide when I have the Armour I want to give to complete the quest? Say I found a piece that I want to use/keep, can I not keep it and keep going thorough the adventure until I decide I have the three pieces of Armour I want to turn in? If I can, do I instantly exit one I say I have what I need or do I need to backtrack out of the dungeon? thanks!
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That works great! thanks Martin!
Hi Doug, I don't see any harm in how you play the quest. However, technically the game assumes you will use the armour found for the quests objective. You could impose a house rule, that you could keep one armour for yourself, and must use the other 3 you find for the hand in (so 4 four armour and keep 1). You would instantly exit when you have chosen the 3 armour for hand in.