So I'm got the PDF of the base book, and loving the engine, but craving more content even before the starter quests are over (doesn't help that it takes 20-30 nests of Giant Rats before I can find a weapon-dropping encounter...) So what's the best way to pick up the game, if you want to play with a print copy locally, but have PDFs for remote / portable play? Initially I was thinking I'd just grab the softback + PDF of every book. But there isn't much saving in buying those as a bundle, so to lower the costs a bit, I was wondering if there are any books you'd only want in print? E.g. I notice there is an "all the tables" PDF product available, which appears to have EVERYTHING, which is amazingly useful. Could I get away with "print only" for a bunch of the books for home play and learning, and then with rules internalised, just have the PDF for remote play? (I'm assuming I'll stick to random quests when playing remote, and do the campaign books when playing at home). Or are there so many rules spread across the books, that even if intended to learn the game first at home, you'd still want some rules to reference when travelling? I have a feeling this might be the case, but the softback+PDF for every book becomes rather costly.
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Just seeing this late Oct, surprised no one replied to you yet. Though I have the physical books, I mainly play with my iPad. So you could do fine just with the PDFs. If money is limiting, start with the main book, of course, and maybe the PDF of all tables. Then as you save up, and we are only talking the cost of a typical fast food lunch where I live anyway, get the next PDF that you want. I would suggest Adventurers Companion as it includes not only helpful bonus rules, an expanded encounters table, new races, hero paths, and a way to fast track a new character build, but also an entire campaign with extra side quests that I spent months on (with my son dropping in and out of too).