I have spent an intensive 2 months hammering away at my collection of RPGs as well as hunting down new ones.
All in search of an RPG that COULD be played solo. I just don't have players, and no, I prefer in the same room. I'm old school and fussy.
I've been role gaming since it began (role gaming). I've seen just about every fantasy genre design worth mentioning. The incredibly detailed (Rolemaster) and the almost no details (Polyhedral Dungeon). The whole of D&D and the clones. My favourite design is Warhammer FRP. And some great new ones Forbidden Lands.
But they just lack something played solo. "Oh, I never saw that monster coming" (actually I did :) ). "Man, that trap was well hidden" (no it wasn't). "I wonder what the evil villain is up to?" (oh really).
Then I discovered D100 Dungeon. Wow.
But it was just that thin book. I wasn't aware of the other stuff for a while. I resisted though. "Ahhh man, I want to play a 'real' role game" [insert pouting here]. But fortunately, Driv Thru RPG is a great source of information.
To be honest, the price is both ok, but then not. I wanted all 4 books (in my case that means Core, Companion, Lost Tome, and World Builder. I'm a hardcover snob (I prefer hardcover when I buy my romance novels and science fiction novels), so I'm glad to buy hardcover game books if they are well-bound products. After the cost was totaled that's 150 bucks for me :)
I'm lucky, I can afford it, usually, if I'm careful and willing to forgo purchasing much of anything else that month. So I'm now waiting for my books to ship. Anxiously. Impatiently.
But my point is, D100 has beat out the best of the old school, the best of the best of recent award winners, and much of everything in the middle. I spoke with my wallet.
I'm not afraid to go spiral-bound PDF. But, sometimes I want the deluxe. And I like a minimum pile of books if possible. But D100 is not very large tomes (not thick). I like how Rules Cyclopedia can deliver the best of D&D old school in one book. I like that Warhammer FRP can manage as just one awesome well-bound book (I know the adventures are incredible, but the doom and gloom is a turn-off to me). I am just not into buying into games that are cash cows for the source. D&D new edition every 7 years and 50 new books. Palladium and 50 books in softcover and Kevin still can't write a well-organized product.
I'm not paying for someone's mortgage.
So I had to really want these books in order to get me to pay a good price. I COULD have bought pdfs and just merged them all into one spiral printout. And I know a bit about book binding too. But sometimes, I just ain't interested in the effort.
But this looks like a good purchase.
I'm hoping to get in a lot of gaming. And I won't be forced to play a game made for 7 humans as if I was 7 humans.
Just seeing this late October so am sure you have your books by now, and I bet you are not disappointed. I just love this game for all the reasons you describe. I also prefer hardbacks. I was fortunate to buy mine over time, and each tome arrived to great anticipation, and true joy at finding them better than expected. As for the price, frankly I think this system, and indeed it is a game system, is a bargain. When I weigh the hours of enjoyment I get from this game, it’s simplicity yet depth, vs the money I spent on other games that just sit on the shelf… no comparison. Here’s one of my shelves…