Not sure if I'm missing something, but in World builder, it seems like just rations are used, and not food, is this true? As you travel you ration per day and as you quest you only check off the quest time track and then ration after?
Yes this is very true, rations are used in the World Builder game and Food when on a quest using the main D100 Dungeon rules. Whilst on a quest you will mark off a day on the calendar every 24 hours; as you are eating on the quest (spending food) the game instructs you not to spend any rations.
Great thanks Martin!
Yes this is very true, rations are used in the World Builder game and Food when on a quest using the main D100 Dungeon rules. Whilst on a quest you will mark off a day on the calendar every 24 hours; as you are eating on the quest (spending food) the game instructs you not to spend any rations.