Just learning, so I could be missing something simple. Not sure if this is considered "spoilers" but I need to mention it so its easier to understand.
I had a Tavern event #9 where a bard sung of another location. It apparently painted me the layout of the hex. It says to see "Generating a hex" This doesn't tell me where the hex is though, just how to populate it. Shouldn't It have you Generate a location first, then generate the hex? I know this if for creating a quest, but the random rolling for location portion only is what I would use. Maybe I'm over complicating it, but it would seem more thematic if I didn't have to pick the location of an existing location.
Loving the game so far, great job Martin!
Hi Doug, you are right, the hex is random and the event should be sending you to generate a location first. I will make a change to this in the next update of the rules.
Thanks Martin!