Hi, I have now played the first four training quest using the v3 rules, and before I continue with the fifth training quest, I like to ask some questions.
1. What is the relation between Packs and Monster Reactions?
For example, if the monster reaction becomes "Monster has less then half HP it will Escape".
Is the HP, in this case, the sum of all creatures HP in the pack and all can escape, or is it a single creature that remains in the pack that can escape when its HP is half of the original?
2. When shading the experience points, should the "upgrade arrow" it self be shaded before the characteristics or skills are increased by +5, or is it up to but not including the "upgrade arrow"?
3. When a two hand weapon like the Battle Axe is equipped, does a location die (1d10) that rolls 6 (Main hand) and 7 (Off hand) on the "Hit Location"-table, both target the axe, or is it just 6 (Main hand)?
(i.e. is the Off hand, in the case, an "unprotected" location that can NOT deflect any damage)
4. The Hand/Paw in the Parts table (P1 40-47) does NOT have a GP value like the others, is that intended, or just a typo?
5. In the "Experience (EXP) tracks" chapter on page 9 (v3), it is written:
"When a natural roll (see Natural Dice Rolls) is made during a test, including combat tests, that is equal to or less than 10, the player may shade in any single pip on the Experience Track of the Characteristic..."
Does it mean that step 3 of a Combat Round, is a test (i.e. dice roll <= 10 will give Exp. Track pips) or does that only apply to things that is written in the form of:
"Test: ... [S:...][F:...] (...)" ?
BTW, thanks for a great game.
I'm waiting with excitement on the delivery of the hardcover book, until then, I'm playing using the PDF-version.
Hi Ed, I have answered the questions in (ORANGE).
I was wondering when my weapon becomes damaged, is it only when equipping it and deflecting damage from it? (YES - Sometimes a table will force damage too) There is no damage from striking a monster? (CORRECT) I'm talking about shading in the damage track. 2.My head armor has a value of 2 for armor, does that mean I can take 2 less damage without filling in the track damage? (YES) and I can deflect 2 more damage from the armor and fill in the damage track? (CORRECT) Why does some armor have a value of say one or 3 and some 0 ? (ARMOUR of 0 can only be used to deflect damage, it doesn't block any damage naturally)I love this game thank you so much (THANKS :-), Ed
I was wondering when my weapon becomes damaged, is it only when equipping it and deflecting damage from it?There is no damage from striking a monster?I'm talking about shading in the damage track.
2.My head armor has a value of 2 for armor, does that mean I can take 2 less damage without filling in the track damage?and I can deflect 2 more damage from the armor and fill in the damage track?Why does some armor have a value of say one or 3 and some 0 ?I love this game thank you so much, Ed
Hi, great to learn you are enjoying the game, and thank you for your order of the HB book. The answers to the questions are as follows, but please don't hesitate to ask anything else, or go over anything that is still not clear, and I will try to respond a little quicker next time.
1. What is the relation between Packs and Monster Reactions?
You add up the total HP of the pack undamaged, and then compare it to the current HP.
2. When shading the experience point ......?
You only shade the xp pips and not the arrow.
3. When a two hand weapon like the Batt .......?
It is equipped to both main and off hand, so dmg can be deflected from both locations, but uses just one dmg track.
4. The Hand/Paw in the Parts table ......?
Its worth 15gp
5. In the "Experience (EXP) tracks" chapter on page 9......?
It includes the attack roll.