Just wondering if there was a reason I couldn't say roll a die (50-50) at each encounter to see if I use the standard encounter table or the EA table in TAC and then roll for the encounter on that table? Would this mess up the balance?
Hi Martin, just a noobie to the game. On the first Training Quest, Encounter modifier (-40). If I roll below 40 on the dice do I assume the room is empty or ignore the modifier. Thanks
Hi Geoff, so you roll the D100 and then deduct 40 (in this example) the result is the monster you will encounter from table E. If you score 0 or less (due to the encounter mod) you will encounter the lowest monster on the table. In the case of table E this will be Giant Rats.
Thanks for that, much appreciated. Enjoying the game so far.
Hi Martin, just a noobie to the game. On the first Training Quest, Encounter modifier (-40). If I roll below 40 on the dice do I assume the room is empty or ignore the modifier. Thanks
No harm in this as a variant. The table EB (Dragons Return) does something similar.
Thanks I see he wrote that but I’m wondering what the impact is
I think you need to choose one or the other before you start,but who's stopping you;)