Please help me understand how events and the calendar work in the World Builder while the adventurer is performing an action (travelling, scouting etc.).
First, does a calendar-triggered Event happen before the action for which the AP is spent is complete, or after?
(i.e. the Event may happen while Resting (interrupting crossing all AP's mid-action), or may happen after Resting? (cross all AP's))
Also, for actions that only cost 1 AP, does a rolled Event happen before undertaking the action (immediately when crossing the day on the calendar), or after the action is complete?
Another example: I was trying to travel from a Jungle hex to a Grasslands hex, via a road. As such, it would have taken me 4 AP (6AP travel from Jungles, minus 2AP for road).
However, the 3rd of these 4 AP's was a Satanic day and I rolled for the Impassable event, where I decided to turn back and waste another 6 AP.
So the Event happened "while" I was travelling, and then it made me waste AP that went over the initial AP cost of my travel.
As my travel action was interrupted, do I get to keep the 4th AP from the original action, which would have been spent after the Satanic day?
To summarize:
Travel from Jungles to Grasslands via road - total 4 AP's:
1AP - 1AP - 1AP (Satanic Day) = 3 AP marked on the calendar, trigger...
Event - Impassable: waste 6 AP to turn back
Total AP's wasted after event and returning to Jungles: 9 AP
What happens to the remaining AP from the initial travel action? Is this action considered "interrupted"?
This type of issue applies to many other instances when events may even overlap or add AP's before the current action is over.
You have really answered your own question in the logic you presented. To clarify: You spend the action points on a daily basis, with event checks being made after the action point has been spent; otherwise it's still the end of the previous day. An action that would take four days to travel from Jungles to grassland in the example given is as follows: 1st day travel, 2nd day travel, 3rd day travel (triggers satanic event), then make satanic roll, impassable event rolled means another 6 action points (or 6 days) to backtrack. So 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th day spent turning back. You are now back to where you started before the impassable event and can make the last (4th) day of travel to reach the Grasslands.
Such is the danger of traveling during a satanic day (i guess). The gods are not with you on the journey and you fall foul of the evil in the jungle.
So the calendar's trigger days are triggered as actions points are spent, not before.
As an after thought, you could also have decided after the impassable event, that you won't finish the move to the grasslands and spend the remaining action point doing something else entirely, for a number of reason depending on circumstances. Hope this helps with your issues. Good luck!