Hello everyone,
I am a freshly new French player of d100 Dungeon (v3) and am really enjoying it. I bought a lot of the existing material and I particularly appreciate the escaping possibility of the monsters, giving a feeling of guerilla, where they weaken the character before leaving. My first character died against a white dragon just after he finished his five dungeon trainings (too high roll on table Q…) and my second has just achieved his ones.
Nevertheless, despite a careful reading of the rules, it seems I am unclear with some elements. So, I ask you.
1/Is there any existing official FAQ?
(You could answer this forum is here for that.)
I did not find one but maybe I checked wrong (I am a French gamer and did only check on the official sites such as yours and Drivethru).
2/Regarding the backpack, how many objects are allowed?
If I read the character sheet, I would say 10 damaged objects + 15 different items, with the specificity all the same items are just in one cell if they are between 1 and 10. So, this would mean 10 damaged objects, 15 different items for a possible total of 150 items (10 of each). Is this right?
3/What occurs when the doors of two areas are brought together?
When I open one, do I also open the other or not? For example, if a door is sealed by magic (M) but the other just behind it is locked (L1), do I only need to unlock the door to open both (considering them as a big massive door) or do I open two doors separately? Unless the higher difficulty would apply to both (here, M)?
4/On the table TB, what does the +0.4 Def mean for the Greater armour (50-52)?
That I need to roll 1d100 and do under 40 if I want to be protected from another wound? At first, I thought it was a misspelling for +4 Def but table of legends (L) does not provide any +4 Def so it would be strange to have that Def on just a treasure TB…
5/When I roll for quests, is the Reputation score the numbers of rolls or of RErolls?
I would say the number of rolls (which would explain I was far too crazy to try Antiquity Expedition just after the Dungeons Trainings) but, once more, I prefer to be sure.
6/On a wider topic, is there any project dealing specific geographic themes?
When I saw table MA, I considered joining the different areas would create nice quarters of a town and told myself dungeon mapping could also be used for outside areas such has towns, deserts, forests, swamps and so on. But maybe it would not be a dungeon anymore if it is in the open air…
Thank you very much for all you help and sorry if I have bothered you with all those questions.
Thank you very much for all these precise answers, everything is clear.
Firstly, thank you for supporting D100 Dungeon. Below I will answer the questions in numerical order.
1 - There is not an Official FAQ for V3, but one does exist for the PNP based on questions answered from various platforms where players have asked questions. You might find it useful - the link is as follows: https://boardgamegeek.com/filepage/163714/d100-q .
2 - The backpack is limited by the number of lines. So you are correct, 10 items that have damage tracks and 15 items without damage tracks which can be stacked in 10's.
3 - In cases where two doors block a single path, they must both be opened. You can find confirmation of this on p28 3rd bulleted note (ref Example C).
4 - 0.+4 DEF is a fraction of a DEF point, you will need other items with such fractions to get the value to a full point. For example if your adventurer was wearing Superior Armour (+0.6 Def) and also some Greater Armour (0.+4 Def) they are added together to make a def of 1.0. This will become clearer when they are applied to the adventure sheet and the columns of statistics are added together and recorded in the totals row at the bottom of the equipment section.
5 - When rolling for a quest you may roll a number of times equal to your REP value, you can find confirmation of this, along with a few conditions on p19 (the last paragraph).
6 - In some of the other supplements the dungeons maps are used when exploring forests and woods, with some simplified rules (such as to ignore doors from the map images).
I hope the answers help out, please ask if I need to add some more clarification and thanks again.